Environmental Wellness
This involves being and feeling physically safe, in safe and clean surroundings, and being able to access clean air, food, and water. Consider where you live, like your neighborhood, community or workplace, as well as your country and planet.
Taking steps for a clean and tidy home can make your space more comfortable and relieve stress
Learn what you can do at home to keep your allergies under control
Make your home healthier by reducing environmental toxins
Find out how to check your home for radon, a toxic gas, to keep you safe
Organize your home office to make it a great space to be

Keep your home office organized with this handy checklist for yearly office clean-up

This simple list can help you recycle the right things in the right places
You can save electricity with these no-cost tips to help your finances and the environment

Help keep your community litter-free by using and sharing these tips

Spending time in nature can help you relax and stress less

More Time in Green Spaces Is Linked With Less Use of Prescription Drugs
Expand your ideas for how to enjoy nature
Use your time outdoors to increase your sense of inspiration and wonder by taking an Awe Walk
The handbook Nature on Prescription can be used to support mental health (designed for providers)
Resources for Wellness in Eight Dimensions
Learn the Eight Dimensions of Wellness (poster) | SAMHSA
Eight Dimensions of Wellness Daily Plan | UIC Solutions Suite for Health and Recovery
While we list online resources, we recognize that websites often change and move . If a link doesn’t work, try a search using the title. We do not endorse any specific websites—they are suggestions for beginning your search for what works for you. We do not accept funding or other support from the resources listed.