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Wellness Resources

Spiritual Wellness

This involves having meaning and purpose and a sense of balance and peace.

Personal Values

Identify your core values and use them when making a decision with this worksheet

This practice for Affirming Your Values can be a support on a difficult day

Clarify your key values and use them when setting personal goals and making action plans

Quiet Reflection

This list of simple mindfulness techniques can help you get started

If you are interested in meditating, check out these free guided meditations

NYAPRS has shared a free library of recorded mindfulness sessions

Finding Purpose

This self-discovery worksheet can help you explore your values, goals, and life purpose

The practice of Ikigai can help you find your purpose and discover how your goals intersect

A Positive Attitude

These prompts for journaling can help you sort through emotions, especially if you feel depressed

End your day with positive Nighttime Affirmations

Resources for Wellness in Eight Dimensions

Learn the Eight Dimensions of Wellness (poster) | SAMHSA

Eight Dimensions of Wellness Daily Plan | UIC Solutions Suite for Health and Recovery

While we list online resources, we recognize that websites often change and move . If a link doesn’t work, try a search using the title.  We do not endorse any specific websites—they are suggestions for beginning your search for what works for you.  We do not accept funding or other support from the resources listed. 
