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Wellness Resources

Occupational Wellness

This involves participating in activities that provide meaning and purpose, including employment.

Work Environment

It’s easier to get your work done if you Organize Your Workspace


For ideas on how to keep to a to-do list, check out this Stanford Skills Sheet

Try out this easy and colorful Daily To-Do List Template

This list of Strategies for Time Management can help you budget your time wisely

Job Satisfaction

Take this quiz to rate your Happiness at Work

There are ways to Make Work More Rewarding if you are dissatisfied with your job

Using a Gratitude Journal to reflect on what’s going well can boost your mood and life satisfaction

To help identify signs of burnout, track your mood with this Daily Mood Chart

Using a Mood Diary tracks your emotions and what’s going on that may contribute to how you feel

Work-Life Balance

This infographic on Work-Life Balance includes tips for employers and employees

If you’re having a tough time at work, use this Values Affirmation Exercise to reflect on your experience

If you are considering a change in your life, use this worksheet for Values-Based Decision Making

Occupational Goals

Imagine a Positive Future to boost your optimism and clarify your goals

Use this Goal-Setting Worksheet from MIT to refine your work goals

MIT also offers Guidance for Setting Goals

This Life Crafting Exercise is designed to help you clarify your life goals

Planning Your Time

This Weekly Calendar Template can be helpful in planning or tracking your week’s activities

Resources for Wellness in Eight Dimensions

Learn the Eight Dimensions of Wellness (poster) | SAMHSA

Eight Dimensions of Wellness Daily Plan | UIC Solutions Suite for Health and Recovery

While we list online resources, we recognize that websites often change and move . If a link doesn’t work, try a search using the title.  We do not endorse any specific websites—they are suggestions for beginning your search for what works for you.  We do not accept funding or other support from the resources listed. 
