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Wellness Resources

Emotional Wellness

This involves the ability and skills to express feelings, enjoy life, adjust to emotional challenges, cope with stress, and recover from traumatic life experiences.

Journaling is a method of recording your thoughts, experiences, and emotions in a notebook or other medium. The manual, Journaling – A Wellness Tool, can be used to learn what wellness journaling involves, and how recording your thoughts in this way can improve your personal wellness.

More resources for emotional wellness

My Feelings

Explore your emotion and find the right name for your feeling with The Feeling Wheel

Keep track of how you feel with this Daily Mood Chart

Learn more about your emotions by using a Mood Diary

Taking Control of My Life

Remember the difference between Things I Can and Can’t Control

Use this worksheet to list what you can and can’t control

Feeling Good About Myself

Reflect on recent activities and events using the Self Esteem Journal Worksheet

Take steps to reduce negative self-talk by Identifying, Challenging, and Changing

Take the Self compassion test

Coping with Stress

Use this checklist to identify ways you can Reduce Stress

Use this checklist to identify ways you can Cope With Loss

This two-page list of tips can help you Take Care of Yourself Under Stress

Review these Tips to Relieve Stress

Action for Emotional Wellness

Use this checklist to identify ways you can Brighten Your Outlook

Resources for Wellness in Eight Dimensions

Learn the Eight Dimensions of Wellness (poster) | SAMHSA

Eight Dimensions of Wellness Daily Plan | UIC Solutions Suite for Health and Recovery

While we list online resources, we recognize that websites often change and move . If a link doesn’t work, try a search using the title.  We do not endorse any specific websites—they are suggestions for beginning your search for what works for you.  We do not accept funding or other support from the resources listed. 
