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CAS Research & Education

CAS Research

Discovery science is the focus of CAS laboratories.

Human experimental studies focus on the role of body-brain communication in the development, consequences and treatment of alcohol and drug addiction using psychophysiology, brain imaging, and computational modeling and the link between health behaviors and risk for concussion in student athletes. Longitudinal and daily survey research examines patterns, predictors and consequences of marijuana use over the life course and of simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use compared to use of either substance alone. Clinical research includes a randomized clinical trial to explore mobile technologies to implement body-brain interventions to bolster treatment as usual. Quantitative research seeks to develop a scalable and accessible network of comparative effectiveness evidence from alcohol intervention trials for adolescents and young adults and to better develop consensus among major stakeholders.

CAS’ research is highly collaborative across Rutgers and other leading US research universities. These collaborations allow addiction research to intersect with other key health domains, thereby broadening university and national investment and impact in the field of addiction science. CAS researchers also provide expert insight on addiction topics for the public through local, national, and international media outlets, such as The Daily Targum, Rutgers Today, Rutgers Magazine, The Star Ledger, Asbury Park Press, Science Daily, Chicago Tribune, CNN, Time, CBS News, USA Today, Business Insider, Huffington Post, NJTV, U.S. News and World Report, The Wall Street Journal.


The Addiction Education Program provides extensive opportunities for professional development in addiction prevention and treatment best practices. This program promotes the recognition of addiction as a major public health concern, maintains a strong focus on special populations, and addresses the need to reduce stigma and connect practitioners with the empirically supported advancements in the field. Our programs are geared towards alcohol and drug counselors as well as professionals in related fields (e.g., parole, probation, and drug court officers). We are accredited by multiple state and national organizations, including the NJ Department of Health and Senior Services (public health), The Certification Board, Inc. (drug and alcohol counseling), the National Board for Certified Counselors, the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors, and the National Association of Social Workers. We award continuing education units across multiple disciplines.
