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Workers with behavioral health conditions during the pandemic

Dr. Peggy Swarbrick, CAS Associate Director and colleagues from the University of Illinois, Chicago, Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy and from Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey published the results of a survey about the employment experiences of people with preexisting behavioral health conditions during the coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Qualitative analysis revealed work’s positive impact (pride in job performance, using new skills, feeling safer working from home) and its negative effects (lifestyle disruption, worry about job security, isolation from coworkers).

Cook, J. A., Swarbrick, M., Boss, K. A., Steigman, P. J., Nemec, P., Jonikas, J. A., Brice, G. H., Jr., & Aranda, F. (2021). The importance of employment to workers with preexisting behavioral health disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/prj0000499
