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Wellness Tips for Finals

About two-thirds[1] of students rate levels of stress as moderate to high during final exams. For many, stress peaks [2]during midterm and final exams. High levels of stress can have a negative effect on academic performance and can lead to unhealthy behaviors such as substance use. The Rutgers University Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies (CAS) and Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology colleagues have collaborated to co-produce resources to support student wellness before their upcoming final exams. The tips were selected based on student feedback as well as on other wellness support resources based on the wellness in 8-dimensions model. In addition to distributing a list of Wellness Tips, students are receiving a “wellness bag” full of stress relievers like peppermints, fidget, breathe stone and stress balls printed with positive affirmations.

[1] https://www.acha.org/documents/ncha/NCHA-III_FALL_2022_REFERENCE_GROUP_EXECUTIVE_SUMMARY.pdf

[2] Source: https://research.com/education/student-stress-statistics
