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Wellness in Recovery (WinR)

Our Wellness in Recovery (WinR) program is committed to bringing people resources, tools and opportunities to enhance wellness in the 8 dimensions. We are committed to creating intentional communities so people can access tools, and information to empower one another to create a wellness lifestyle. For the 8 Dimensions of Wellness in Spanish click here.

The 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness is a conscious, deliberate process that requires being aware of and making choices for a more satisfying lifestyle.


Take the Wellness Inventory

This revised Wellness Inventory will help you think about what you are doing now in terms of your wellness habits. This inventory gives you a way of thinking about what you are doing and how you are feeling. When you read each item, think about the things you are doing now for your personal wellness. Answer each item in a way that best captures how often the statement is true for you. There are no right or wrong answers.

This inventory will give you a chance to look at your typical day and week. It may help you think about what you might want to strengthen or improve in your life.

Spotlight: Physical Wellness

Feet Running Up Stairs
  1. Pause and Breathe

    Take several deep breaths

  2. Focus on Sleep

    • Establish a sleep routine
  3. Move More

    • Get up and walk
    • Move your arms (even for just a few minutes)
  4. Eliminate Harmful Substances

    • Cut down or quit

Wellness Support

Journey to Wellness Guide

This Journey to Wellness Guide will help you find new ideas to use to begin or continue on your personal journey.

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Wellness Resources

Whether you are a person in recovery, a family member or a peer professional, you can find helpful resources here.

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Wellness Training Learning Collaborative

Visit this section regularly for helpful tips and strategies to help support you in your personal wellness program.

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