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Emerging Addiction Conference


Frank L. Greenagel, Jr.


WinR Seminar July 28, 2021

Dr. Chyrell Bellamy, Kimberly Guy, and Richard Youins of the Program for Recovery and Community Health at the Yale School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry will present on "Harambee - Let's Come Together: Participatory Action Research in ACTION." WinR Seminar flyer July 28

Trauma & Addictions Conference

On October 8, 2021 the second biennial Trauma & Addictions Conference - Myths of Trauma Treatment: How to Work with Clients Experiencing Trauma was held virtually.  CAS was honored to host our keynote speaker, Dr. Sonya Norman, Director, PTSD Consultation Program at the VA National Center for PTSD and Professor in the Psychiatry Department at

TRACC Seminar October 14, 2021

Dr. Teresa López-Castro (The City College of New York) Title: What goes where in your research strategy? Understanding and writing effective significance, innovation, and approach sections. Join us on Zoom! Download TRACC Flyer for Dr. Lopez Castro

Dr. Ayana Jordan


Conducting Culturally-Informed Research: Successes, Areas of Opportunity, and Future Directions.   To join: Link to webinar  Meeting ID: 99203601 2387  Passcode: 431406 Download Dr Ayana Jordan Flyer 12-15-21

Harm Reduction Conference

Room 200 607 Allison Road, Piscataway, NJ, United States

For more information and registration: CLICK HERE   On May 19th & 20th, Dr. Andrew Tatarsky will speak about Integrated Harm Reduction Psychotherapy. Make sure you’re one of the 55 people who can hear him. Dr. Andrew Tatarsky is the pioneer of the Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) approach for treating addictive and risky behavior, trauma

Cross-Cultural Communication for Addiction Professionals

Instructor: Regina Ford, MA Every community, population, and group has its own culture, but how is culture understood when it is mainly comprised of unwritten rules? Culture is more than age, race, gender, and socioeconomic status. However, it can be difficult to assess the way culture shapes the identity of self and the way identity guides


CAS Wellness in Recovery Program (WinR) Conference

Supporting the Supporters: Collective Action Through Research and Advocacy CAS-015_June10 WinR Conference (1) June 10th, 2022; 9:00EST-2:o0EST Keynote: Supporting Family Supporters, Peer Providers and Professionals Panel: Collective Action through Research and Advocacy: Learn about our Community Engaged & Co-Produced Projects  WinR Poster Sessions & Community Building Activities  

Pathways to Recovery from Alcohol Use Disorder


Speaker: Katie Witkiewitz, PhD The event is on Thursday, November 17 from 12:30-1:50pm EST via Zoom (link below). On day of event click on link to join meeting: https://ccny.zoom.us/j/86143686922 Abstract: Abstinence from alcohol is often viewed as the most desirable and ideal outcome for individuals with alcohol use disorder. Yet, most individuals with alcohol use
