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Past EAS Seminars

Emerging Addiction Science Seminar Series Fall 2020 Schedule


Postdoc Meet & Greet Welcome Back Event
Thursday, 9/10/20 4-5:30pm
Tent in front of Smithers Hall

Virtual CAS Welcome Back

Thursday, 9/17/20 12:30 PM
E-meet the new postdocs!


TRACC-RU: Toward an Anti-Racist Opioid Treatment Program
Thursday, 10/1/20 12:30 PM
Dr. Ayana Jordan
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Yale University

Problem-Drinking Recovery across the Lifespan, Part III: Summary of Wave-1 Data Collection for a 10-Year Follow-up on Parents and Grandparents from Laurie Chassin’s 30-Year Study of Familial Alcoholism
Thursday, 10/15/20 12:30 PM
Matthew Lee, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies (CAS) and the Department of Applied Psychology in the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
Rutgers University–New Brunswick

Developmental mechanisms underlying the acceleration of alcohol use
Thursday, 10/22/20 12:30 PM
Aesoon Park, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Syracuse University

CAS Poster Session
Thursday, 10/29/20


A decision neuroscience framework for understanding real-world addiction outcomes
Thursday, 11/12/20 12:30 PM
Anna B. Konova, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Rutgers University–New Brunswick


Brain-Body Feedback: Integrating Central and Peripheral Systems in Addiction Science
Thursday, 12/10/20
Julianne Price, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cardiac Neuroscience Lab
Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies, Rutgers University