Introducing the Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies
We hope you will take a few minutes and get to know us better by watching our new video! The 6-minute video features staff and faculty of the Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies (CAS), who present on the history of CAS and its influence on the field. The video also highlights our research, our journal, the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, and our educational offerings.
Dr. Helene White describes the early days of CAS and the diverse disciplines represented in the staff, as well as its advocacy role in getting the American Medical Association to accept that alcoholism is a disease. The early research at CAS included a longitudinal study of alcohol use during adolescence through young adulthood, as well as other studies designed to inform treatment. Research, training and extensive publications also have been a part of CAS activities from the beginning of its more than 80-year history. Professional and community education also have long been a part of the CAS mission. In the video, Dr. Denise Hien and Lorraine Howard emphasize the importance of disseminating the most current evidence-based approaches to continue to enhance the quality and effectiveness of addiction services.