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SAMSHA Advisory: Preventing Substance Use Among Young Adults with Disabilities

There is an increased risk in young people with disabilities for a host of health and other challenges, including higher rates of mental disorders and substance use disorders (SUDs). This advisory focuses on the need for primary substance use prevention programs for young adults with disabilities. It provides guidelines that can be used when designing programs to meet the needs of this population but does not aim to provide information about addressing every type of disability.

To support the needs of young adults with disabilities, substance use prevention programs should aim to apply principles from the disability field to prevention strategies already proven to work for young adults. This includes incorporating equity and accessibility into program practices, using trauma-informed approaches, creating accessible physical and supportive emotional environments, being responsive to the needs of young adults and people with disabilities, prioritizing the importance of cultural responsiveness, and promoting positive youth development.

The full advisory is linked here: https://store.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/substance-use-youth-disabilities-pep24-06-003.pdf