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Fostering Connection at Community Wellness Centers

          By Vivian Glenn, Second-year student, Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences

Community wellness centers serve as focal points for community engagement for many people at risk and/or living with mental health and substance use challenges in New Jersey. These centers play a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging personal and communal growth. During the spring 2024 semester, I had the opportunity to work with the Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies (CAS) Wellness Lab to collaborate with the CAS Community Advisory Board to plan a series of focus groups. I was able to visit centers in two different counties to learn how each of the eight dimensions of wellness impacts the lives of community members. During my visits, I met in small groups with members to learn about their experiences. Social wellness plays a crucial role in fostering community connections and support. During our focus group, we touched upon each dimension of wellness along with mental health stigma. Shared sentiments in the group reflected that social wellness may be hard to achieve for certain individuals, but connection is a value cherished and prioritized by all. Social wellness can take place in the form of daily interactions with strangers or long-term relationships. Within community wellness centers, social wellness is facilitated by group activities such as focus groups, games, crafts, 12-step program meetings, and more. This wide range of options provides opportunities for members to forge meaningful connections while engaging in fulfilling activities. It also gives center members the choice of how they would like to spend their time, fostering their autonomy. This sense of agency enhances member engagement and encourages individuals to explore their interests.

It is important to recognize that social wellness looks different for different people. Some members reflected on having stronger friendships than familial connections, while others were working on building any social connections. Facilitated conversations or workbooks can help elucidate an individual’s strengths and areas for growth within any wellness dimension. Such resources are useful for supporting individuals in building their overall wellness.

            Bridging social, intellectual, and occupational aspects appears to decrease feelings of isolation and reinforce positive activities for members. Getting involved with a church and establishing a routine was described by some members as fulfilling and fostering a connection to a higher power, combining aspects of spiritual and occupational wellness. While discussing the intellectual dimension, one member shared their experience of reading books from the center’s library. Another mentioned they were able to enrich their knowledge through the center’s laptops. With a plethora of opportunities to strengthen intellectual skills, the wellness community focuses on empowering individuals.

Why is it important to focus on developing and discussing each dimension of wellness? Cultivating each dimension can help individuals lead happier, healthier lives. While many members experience mental health and/or substance use challenges as well as the impact of poverty and stigma, focusing on incorporating small wellness activities every day can aid in coping and promote positive habit-building. Such skills are essential for helping all individuals lead more fulfilling and healthier lifestyles.

CSPNJ Website: https://cspnj.org/
